Adding a Google Maps to your website.

Google will credit each account for $200 monthly - which comes to about 28,000 map views per month. If you have fewer map views, you won't pay anything to Google.

How to get a Google Maps API key:

Follow these instructions and videos: (or for more information, see this official document)

Log in to Google Cloud
Then follow what happens in the video.

1) Pin Billing and Google Maps to the menu: (39 sec) This will give you quick access to these items.


2) Add a new card to billing. (23 sec)

Direct link to payment settings

  1. in the menu, click on Billing:

  2. On the page that opens, scroll down and click on Payment method:

  3. On the page that opens, check your card or add a new one:

Or you can set up your billing account following these instructions.


3) Adding a Google Maps project. Adding domains to the map. Getting the Google Map API key. Check the website. (2:18 sec)

Direct link to the Maps JavaScript API (click Enable or Manage, then watch the video from 0:45)


  1. Click to Keys & Credentials, click to Maps API Key

  2. Choose "Websites" in Key restriction section

  3. Fill in your domain(s). For example, if your site is, you will add: (one by one)

    If you use a subdomain e.g. bookings, enter:

  4. Click Save button

  5. On opened page - copy the API Key then save it on your computer and submit it to our settings page.


4) Add a new site to existing maps API key. (39 sec)

  1. Log in to Google Cloud
  2. Select a project with your map.
  3. Select Google Maps Platform -> Keys & Credentials from the menu
  4. Click on the Maps API key
  5. Click Add
  6. Enter
  7. Click Done
  8. Click Save

If you want to add your units to ours then add:

to your key.
You can also add any other domain to your key.


5) Activate full account:
Otherwise, Google Maps will stop working after the trial period of 90 days.


6) If your map looks like this, then the key is limited.

Possible reasons:

  1. your account in the trial period is over - activate the full account.
  2. the card specified in the billing has expired - add a new card (video #2)
  3. billing does not have a card - add a card (video #2)